
This is the blog of the Rohrer family. It includes memories, photos, information and anything else we choose to post. All our relatives are invited to post and respond to my posts.

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The Incredible Art Department

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Fish Tales

When I was about 11 years old, I was fishing with a bamboo pole near the shore of Koontz Lake. I saw bubbles moving on the surface and could see something moving, so I placed the worm and bobber in front of the bubbles. The pole bent farther than I had ever seen it and I knew I had something big. I used all my strength to lift the fish up and place it on the shore. Because I was near the shore, this was easy- and probably saved the line from breaking.

The fish was a carp and was almost as long as I was tall. Because my mother took the picture, this is one fish tale that is believable. Please ignore the clashing plaid clothes. I obviously had no taste in clothes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ken, Why didn't Mom intervene in your behalf with clothing suggestions!!! Maybe she was trying to teach independence, but PPLLLLEASE!!! Anyway, fashion wasn't really that IN back then, so who cared? I remember several carp fish like that when they drained Koontz Lake. We even cooked one once, but I don't think we liked the taste.

2:46 PM  

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