
This is the blog of the Rohrer family. It includes memories, photos, information and anything else we choose to post. All our relatives are invited to post and respond to my posts.

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Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

The Incredible Art Department

Friday, November 04, 2005

Early Memories

From what people tell me, my childhood memories are better than most. My earliest memory is when I was about 3 years old. The year was around 1961. My parents took my sister and I in the station wagon to a drive-in theater. It was a double feature. My sister and I were supposed to see the first feature and then fall asleep so my parents could watch the second feature, Psycho. I have no idea what the first feature was, but I remember popping up my head above the back seat to watch many parts of Psycho. The parts that really stood out for me was the background music, the car being sunk in the pond, and the private investigator being slashed on the staircase. No, my mother made sure I didn't see the famous shower scene.

This movie perhaps helped promote my interest in monster movies and magazines later on in my childhood.


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