
This is the blog of the Rohrer family. It includes memories, photos, information and anything else we choose to post. All our relatives are invited to post and respond to my posts.

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Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

The Incredible Art Department

Friday, November 18, 2005

Most Embarrassing Memories

I have many embarrassing moments (unfortunately), but there is one that stands out. I was about 10 years old and working on the boys clubhouse that was in the backyard hedge row. This was a community project with many boys across town helping to build it.

One day I was working inside the clubhouse and suddenly didn't hear any noise outside. Up to that point one could hear the hammers pounding and laughter. I stood up to look out the window to see why everything went strangely silent and as soon as I stood up I felt a pin pricking sensation by my groin. I had felt that many times before and immediately knew I was being stung. Everyone had run away because the pounding had angered a swarm of bees. The bee had crawled up my leg into my shorts and when I stood up, the pressure of the shorts on the bee angered it.

Instead of dropping my drawers in the privacy of the clubhouse, I ran outside to get away. I suddenly realized that the only way to get rid of the bee was to drop my drawers and all around me were neighbor girls. My two choices were: run inside the house and be stung another 10 times (risking the release of the bee in the house) or get embarrassed and get rid of the bee immediately. I went ahead and dropped my shorts.

No one knew what was going on so they all thought I was flashing everyone. After the bee rushed out, I had to explain what happened. Needless to say, the laughter commensed at my expense.


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